Thursday, November 10, 2011

Skin-causes, symptoms and treatments

There are many skin conditions, treat each other not. Here is a list of diseases of the skin, the most common cause, symptoms and treatments. For each of the diseases of the skin, I will give a proper home remedy to this problem. This page is regularly updated of new articles.

Acne, pimples, blackheads and pimples

Knowing what to do and what does not cause acne and home remedies for acne that you can prepare and use whenever the problem starts.
Clearing acne is not an easy task, nor withdraw from pimples, blackheads and white, but you can certainly try some home remedies: Another home remedy for acne how to get rid of pimples, and the removal of white.

Red bumps on the skin and face are a type of acne. Learn about ways to prevent and get rid of red bumps.

Looking for advice? Get help with acne on the skin.

Dry skin and related conditions

A very common condition, dry skin can be prevented and treated using all natural ingredients.

Oily skin

Prevent acne oily skin change.

Treating oily skin using all natural ingredients.

Some prescriptions for the treatment of these conditions include mask oily skin, oily skin facial scrub.

For tips on skin care oily great visit beautiful life

Excessive sweating

Excessive sweating can be greatly reduced by using home remedies excessive sweating. Excessive sweating can be mitigated by the use of deodorant homemade recipes, and other natural deodorant recipes.


Cellulite treatment with a natural remedy for cellulite. Using a coffee scrub cellulite can also reduce the appearance of cellulite. Read more caffeine's effects on cellulite.


It is estimated that 40 million people worldwide suffer from this inflammatory disease. Learn about the natural ways to treat rosacea and home remedies for rosacea, you can begin to prepare and use in minutes.

Mild Rosacea affects 17 million Americans. Are you one?


Eczema is a common skin condition that affects up to 3% of Americans. This is an inflammation of the upper layers of the skin has redness, itching, oozing, and scaling.

Although no one really knows what September is eczema, some people do not experience a worsening of symptoms during the summer months. For more information, products for skin care and summer abouteczema way to relieve some of its worst symptoms.

September eczema is unknown, but the rash treatments are numerous and highly effective, including some home remedies for eczema.

There are several types of eczema: atopic dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, Dyshidriotic eczema, eczema baby.

Yeast Infection

There are many different symptoms of a yeast infection. How do I know you have a yeast infection? Read more.

The causes of yeast infection are many. Read about the most common.

The problem is - how to treat it? Learn more about natural ways to deal with yeast infection:

Natural remedy for yeast infection is an inexpensive and effective against the infection.

More home remedies for yeast infections


Warts are very common and very easy to manage. Find out what causes them and what is a wart treatments are available at home.

Ringworm (tinea)

How is ringworm infection starts, what are the symptoms and what you can do to prevent or reduce itching and swelling. how it began and how it develops.

Athlete's foot

This page contains information on the causes and symptoms of athlete's foot, athlete's foot, and home remedies that effectively clean the symptoms of athlete's foot infection treatment of AMD.


It is not only unattractive, shaving can be quite painful. Itching and redness that come with shaving are burning easilyprevented with 7 simple tips. If they appear, Home remedy for shaving gives you more natural ingredients, which can be used to stop and reduce redness and itching of shaving.

Ingrown hairs

This problem is annoying and can happen to anyone. Find out why ingrown hair done, and what is the best way to prevent ingrown hairs, so you do not have to deal with the problem.

If you have a problem with ingrown hairs, there are effective ingrown hair removal and treatment will help to treat infected ingrown hair or make the skin off a trick. If this does not solve the problem, you can always try to correct ingrown hair and skin should be a bump-free 6 easy steps!

Ingrown hairs, not only affects the face or legs, is a common problem around the bikini area. Ingrown pubic hair offers six tips that you should be aware of this problem of ingrown pubic hair.

Stretch Marks

It is estimated that 90% of pregnant women living in the appearance of stretch marks. Also known as "pregnancy mask", they can never be completely eliminated (except laser surgery), but there are ways and natural ingredients to treat it. Home remedy for stretch marks by reducing their appearance and help to prevent something.


Home remedy for burns and another remedy for sunburn to provide a way to soothe the skin after sun exposure, and information about blistering sunburn, peeling, swelling. Read Syptoms recognoze severe burns. If the sunburn itching occurrs, you can always resort to soothing itchy sunburn remedies and may do the same thing using the skin peeling skin sunburn remedies.

Chapped lips

Some may not consider this a disorder, but it is intended. The lips are not considered part of our integumentary (skin) system, but they are probably the most vulnerable. They are exposed to cold, sunlight, and saliva. That is why the lip care should be incorporated into our routine skin care. Lip balms Applyinghomemade will prevent chapped lips and even cure existing condition.


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